Photos of Csenge
- Csenge as a small baby
- Csenge in August, 2001
- Csenge again in August, 2001
- Csenge behind bars, October, 2002
- Csenge on the slide, October, 2002
- Csenge with ice cream bar, 2004
- Csenge on the slide, October, 2002
- Csenge with ice cream bar, 2004
- Csenge in Wonderland, 2004
- Csenge on the swing, 2005
- Csenge at Christmas time, 2005
- Csenge and the kite (1), 2006
- Csenge and the kite (2), 2006
- Csenge in a hat, 2006
- Csenge in the rain, 2006
- Csenge dances, 2006
- Csenge at Christmas, 2006
- we are tired, 2007
- Csenge with Red Cap, 2007
- has just turned 8