Márton Elekes

Information for students


  • Darji, U. B., Elekes, M., Kátay, T., Kocsis, A. and Pálfy, M. Generic isomorphism classes of abelian groups, pdf, submitted.

  • Balka, R., Elekes, M. and Kiss, V. The range of dimensions of microsets, pdf, submitted.

  • Elekes, M., Gehér, B., Kátay, T., Keleti, T., Kocsis, A. and Pálfy, M. Generic properties of topological groups, pdf, to appear in Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc.

  • Balka, R., Elekes, M., Kiss, V., Nagy, D. and Poór, M. Compact sets with large projections and nowhere dense sumset, pdf, to appear in Nonlinearity.

  • Darji, U. B., Elekes, M., Kalina, K., Kiss, V. and Vidnyánszky, Z. The structure of random automorphishms of the random graph, pdf, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic. 173 (2022), no. 9, 103152.

  • Elekes, M., Flesch, J., Kiss, V., Nagy, D., Poór, M. and Predtetchinski, A. Games characterizing limsup functions and Baire class 1 functions, pdf, J. Symb. Log. 87 (2022), no. 4, 1459-1473.

  • Balka, R., Elekes, M. and Kiss, V. Stability and measurability of the modified lower dimension, pdf, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150 (2022), 3889-3898.

  • Balka, R., Elekes, M., Kiss, V. and Poór, M. Singularity of maps of several variables and a problem of Mycielski concerning prevalent homeomorphisms, pdf, Adv. Math. 385 (2021), 107773.

  • Elekes, M. and Poór, M. Cardinal invariants of Haar null and Haar meager sets, pdf, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 151 (2021), no. 5, 1568-1594.

  • Elekes, M. and Nagy, D. Haar null and Haar meager sets: a survey and new results, pdf, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 52 (2020), no. 4, 561-619.

  • Elekes, M., Nagy, D., Poór, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z. A Haar meager set that is not strongly Haar meager, pdf, Israel J. Math. 235 (2020), 91-109.

  • Darji, U. B., Elekes, M., Kalina, K., Kiss, V. and Vidnyánszky, Z. The structure of random automorphishms of the rational numbers, pdf, Fund. Math. 250 (2020), 1-20.

  • Darji, U. B., Elekes, M., Kalina, K., Kiss, V. and Vidnyánszky, Z. The structure of random homeomorphishms, pdf, Israel J. Math. 237 (2020), 75-113.

  • Darji, U. B., Elekes, M., Kalina, K., Kiss, V. and Vidnyánszky, Z. The structure of random automorphishms of countable structures, pdf, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 8829-8848.

  • Elekes, M. and Steprāns, J. Set-theoretical problems concerning Hausdorff measures, pdf, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), no. 4, 1709-1717.

  • Elekes, M., Soukup, D. T., Soukup, L. and Szentmiklóssy, Z. Decompositions of edge-colored infinite complete graphs into monochromatic paths, pdf, Discrete Math. 340 (2017), no. 8, 2053-2069.

  • Elekes, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z. Characterization of order types of pointwise linearly ordered families of Baire class 1 functions, pdf, Adv. Math. 307C (2017), 559-597.

  • Balka, R., Darji, U. B. and Elekes, M. Bruckner-Garg-type results with respect to Haar null sets in C[0,1], pdf, Proc. Edinb. Math. Soc. (2). 60 (2017), no. 1, 17-30.

  • Elekes, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z. Naively Haar null sets in Polish groups, pdf, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 446 (2017), no. 1, 193-200.

  • Elekes, M., Kiss, V. and Vidnyánszky, Z. Ranks on the Baire class ξ functions, pdf, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), no. 11, 8111-8143.

  • Balka, R., Darji, U. B. and Elekes, M. Hausdorff and packing dimension of fibers and graphs of prevalent continuous maps, pdf, Adv. Math. 293 (2016), 221-274.

  • Elekes, M. and Vidnyánszky, Z. Haar null sets without Gδ hulls, pdf, Israel J. Math. 209 (2015), no. 1, 199-214.

  • Elekes, M. and Keleti, T. Decomposing the real line into Borel sets closed under addition, pdf, Math. Logic Quart. 61 (2015), no. 6, 466-473.

  • Balka, R., Elekes, M. and Máthé, A. Answer to a question of Kolmogorov, pdf, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143 (2015), no. 5, 2085-2089.

  • Balka, R., Buczolich, Z. and Elekes, M. A new fractal dimension: The topological Hausdorff dimension, pdf, Adv. Math. 274 (2015), 881-927.

  • Elekes, M. and Steprāns, J. Haar null sets and the consistent reflection of non-meagreness, pdf, Canad. J. Math. 66 (2014), 303-322.

  • Elekes, M., Keleti, T. and Máthé, A. Reconstructing geometric objects from the measures of their intersections with test sets, pdf, J. Fourier Anal. Appl. 19 (2013), no. 3, 545-576.

  • Balka, R., Buczolich, Z. and Elekes, M. Topological Hausdorff dimension and level sets of generic continuous functions on fractals, pdf, Chaos Solitons Fractals 45 (2012), 1579-1589.

  • Balka, R. and Elekes, M. Continuous horizontally rigid functions of two variables are affine, pdf, Aequationes Math. 84 (2012), no. 1-2, 27-39.

  • Elekes, M. A covering theorem and the random-indestructibility of the density zero ideal, pdf, Real Anal. Exchange. 37 (2011), no. 1, 55-60.

  • Elekes, M., Mátrai, T. and Soukup, L. On splitting infinite-fold covers, pdf, Fund. Math. 212 (2011), 95-127.

  • Elekes, M., Keleti, T. and Máthé, A. Self-similar and self-affine sets; measure of the intersection of two copies, pdf, Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 30 (2010), no. 2, 399-440.

  • Elekes, M. and Máthé, A. Can we assign the Borel hulls in a monotone way?, ps, pdf, Fund. Math. 205 (2009), no. 2, 105-115.

  • Balka, R. and Elekes, M. The structure of continuous rigid functions of two variables, pdf, Real Anal. Exchange 35 (2009), no. 1, 139-156.

  • Elekes, M. On a converse to Banach's Fixed Point Theorem, ps, pdf, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009), no. 9, 3139-3146.

  • Balka, R. and Elekes, M. The structure of rigid functions, ps, pdf, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 345 (2008), no. 2, 880-888.

  • Elekes, M. and Tóth, Á. Covering locally compact groups by less than 2ω many translates of a compact nullset, ps, pdf, Fund. Math. 193 (2007), 243-257.

  • Elekes, M. and Laczkovich, M. A cardinal number connected to the solvability of systems of difference equations in a given function class, ps, pdf, J. Anal. Math. 101 (2007), 199-218.

  • Elekes, M. and Keleti, T. Is Lebesgue measure the only σ-finite invariant Borel measure?, ps, pdf, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 321 (2006), no. 1, 445-451.

  • Elekes, M. and Steprāns, J. Chains of Baire class 1 functions and various notions of special trees, ps, pdf, Israel J. Math. 151 (2006), 179-187.

  • Elekes, M. and Keleti, T. Borel sets which are null or non-sigma-finite for every translation invariant measure, ps, pdf, Adv. Math. 201 (2006), 102-115.

  • Elekes, M. Hausdorff measures of different dimensions are isomorphic under the Continuum Hypothesis, ps, pdf, Real Anal. Exchange 30 (2004/05), no. 2, 605-616.

  • Elekes, M. and Steprāns, J. Less than 2ω many translates of a compact nullset may cover the real line, ps, pdf, Fund. Math. 181 (2004), no. 1, 89-96.

  • Elekes, M. Measurable envelopes, Hausdorff measures and Sierpinski sets, ps, pdf, Coll. Math. 98 (2003), no. 2, 155-162.

  • Elekes, M. and Kunen, K. Transfinite sequences of continuous and Baire class 1 functions, ps, pdf, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 8, 2453-2457.

  • Elekes, M. Level sets of differentiable functions of two variables with non-vanishing gradient, ps, pdf, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 270 (2002), no. 2, 369-382.

  • Elekes, M., Keleti, T. and Prokaj, V. The composition of derivatives has a fixed point, ps, pdf, Real Anal. Exchange 27 (2001/02), no. 1, 131-140.

  • Elekes, M. Linearly ordered families of Baire 1 functions, ps, pdf, Real Anal. Exchange 27 (2001/02), no. 1, 49-63.

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