Geometry Seminar, Rényi Institute, Spring 2021
Unfortunately, the seminar is still on Zoom.
We merged it with the
ELTE Combinatorial Geometry
New name: Budapest Big Combinatorics + Geometry Seminar.
Zoom link:
Password: first six Fibonacci numbers.
Recordings of presentations
February 5. Natan Rubin:
Stronger bounds for weak Epsilon-Nets
February 12. Sergey Avvakumov:
Triangulations of the projective space
February 19. Barak Weiss:
New bounds on the covering density of lattices
February 26. Wolfgang Mulzer:
Long Alternating Paths Exist
March 5. 4.00:
James Davies: Circle graphs are quadratically chi-bounded
March 10-12. Euclidean Ramsey Workshop
March 19. Ramon van Handel:
Some unusual extremal problems in convexity and combinatorics
March 26. Pablo Soberón:
Quantitative Helly theorems
April 2.
Madhu Sudan:
(Deterministic) Communication Amid Uncertainty
April 9.
37th EuroCG
2021, Saint Petersburg, Russia, April 7-9, 2021.
April 16. Endre Csóka:
Upper bounds for the necklace folding problems
April 23.
April 30. Imre Bárány: Erdős-Szekeres theorem for k-flats
May 7. Chaya Keller: Multicolour Ramsey Numbers and Subset-Colouring of Hypergraphs
May 14. Balázs Keszegh: On tangencies among planar curves
May 21. 4.00:
Károly Bezdek: More on contact numbers of unit sphere packings
June 8. Part of
Round the World Relay in Combinatorics:
László Lovász: TBA
June 11. András Bezdek: Seperating circles with polygonal tilings
Previous semesters:
Fall 2020
Spring 2020
Fall 2019
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Spring 2018
Fall 2017
Spring 2017
Fall 2016
Spring 2016, Fall 2015