Geometriai algoritmusok (Computational geometry)

 Tóth Géza (email:
Spring 2022
Monday 8.15-9.45


First lecture: February 14.

Data sheet

Textbook: Mark de Berg, Otfried Cheong (Schwarzkopf), Marc van Kreveld, Mark Overmars: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications pdf

Things to read:

Luis Barba, Bernd Gärtner, Michael Hoffmann, Emo Welzl: Geometry: Combinatorics & Algorithms Lecture Notes: pdf

Philipp Kindermann: Computational Geometry, lecture videos: channel

Bernd Gärtner, Michael Hoffmann: Computational Geometry Lecture Notes

Matousek: Lectures on Discrete geometry, The same

Computational Geometry, Keszegh Balázs, ELTE

Geometriai algoritmusok 2013

Geometriai algoritmusok 2015

Geometriai algoritmusok 2017

Geometriai algoritmusok 2019