Errata for "Subconvex bounds for automorphic L-functions and applications", Page 2, Line -19: $\ll_\eps$ should be $\ll_{\eps,\mu_f}$ Page 7, Line 2: $d$ should be $d_\mathcal{O}$ Page 7, Line -12: In the case of d>0, formula (1.12) requires an additional sign condition due to the assumption on infinity types in the beginning of Section 4 in [Po06] (appearing later as Assumption 4.2.5). If J denotes the class of (sqrt{d}) in H_d, then the condition is that psi(J) should be +1 (resp. -1) when g is even (resp. odd). If this condition fails, then the left hand side of (1.12) vanishes automatically, while the right hand side of (1.12) can be non-vanishing. This correction was kindly communicated to me by Alexandru Popa. Page 12, Lines 14 to 17: $\psi$ should be $\chi$ Page 13, Line -1: $\phi$ should be $\varphi$ Page 16, Line -14: $\Psi$ should be $2\Psi$ Page 16, Lines -12 to -10: In (2.33) and (2.34), the denominator 4 should be deleted. Page 17, Line 10: $\Psi$ should be $2\Psi$ Page 17, Line 14: $\Psi$ should be $2\Psi$ Page 17, Lines -15 to -14: $\Psi$ should be $2\Psi$ Page 17, Lines -8 to -4: In (2.35) and (2.36), $2^{2s}$ should be $2^{2s-1}$. Page 18, Line 14: In the formula for $J^+_g(x)$, the numerator $\pi$ should be $-\pi$. In the formula for $J^-_g(x)$, the factor $-4i$ should be $4$. These corrections were found by Zhi Qi, see (1.9) in the preprint . Page 18, Line -5: The first occurrence of $2\pi^{s-1}$ should be $\pi^{s-1}$. Page 19, Line -8: [Mi04, Lemma 2.3] should be [Mi04, Proposition 2.3] Page 65, Line -8: $17+2B+4\theta$ should be $17+2B+12\theta$ Page 80, Line 5: $(Y/X)^4$ should be $(Y/X)^{(B+2)/2}$ Page 80, Line -4: $(Y/X)^{B/4}$ should be $(Y/X)^{(B+2)/2}$ [ELMV11] and [Li11]: "Annals" should be "Ann."