About me
I am a Research Fellow at Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics.
Curriculum Vitae
Identifiers: ARXIV, ORCID, ResearchGate,
Research interests
Exponential Bases, Fourier Analysis on Locally Compact Groups, Spectral Theory, Functional Equations, Discrete and classical Geometry, Measure Theory, Decomposition of Sets
Fourier Analysis and Additive Problems - 2024 Spring
Summer School: Additive Combinatorics
Winter workshop: Fourier Analysis and its applications
Summer workshop: Additive Combinatorics and Fourier analysis
Past events
Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis (HSA 2021)
Harmonic Analysis and Synthesis (HSA 2020)
International Symposium on Aggregation and Structures
(ISAS 2016)
Editorial work
Editor at Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Supervisor: Laczkovich Miklós
Thesis: Linear functional equations
Teaching 2020-2023 at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Earlier semesters
Teaching at Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Teaching at University of Luxembourg
Isometric rigidity of the Wasserstein space over the plane with the maximum metric, (with Zoltán M. Balogh, Tamás Titkos, Dániel Virosztek), submitted 2024, ArXiv preprint arXiv:2411.07051.
Functional tilings and the Coven-Meyerowitz tiling conditions, (with Itay Londner, Máté Matolcsi, Gábor Somlai), submitted 2024, ArXiv preprint arXiv:2411.03854. (pdf-file)
A lonely weak tile, (with Itay Londner, Máté Matolcsi, Gábor Somlai), accepted at Expositiones, (2024). ArXiv preprint arXiv:2410.04948.
Solutions to the discrete Pompeiu problem and to the finite Steinhaus tiling problem, (with Miklós Laczkovich),
submitted 2024,
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2403.01279. (pdf-file)
Decompositions of the positive real numbers into disjoint sets
closed under addition and multiplication, (with Tamás Terpai, Gábor Somlai), Journal of Algebra 664:B, 511-533, (2025). ArXiv preprint arXiv:2303.16579. (pdf-file)
Special directions on the finite affine plane, (with G. Somlai), Designs, Codes and Cryptography 92, 2587–2597, (2024).
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2109.13992. (pdf-file)
Polynomial equations for additive functions II., The mixed parameter case,
(with Eszter Gselmann), Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales.
Serie A. Matemáticas 118:112, (2024), ArXiv preprint arXiv:2303.03306. (pdf-file)
Polynomial equations for additive functions I., The inner parameter case, (with E. Gselmann), Results in Mathematics 79:63, (2024).
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2211.03605. (pdf-file)
On polynomials of small range sum, (with Ádám Markó, Zoltán Lóránt Nagy, Gábor Somlai),
submitted 2023,
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2311.06136. (pdf-file)
Spectral Tile Direction in the Group Z_{p^2}×Z_{q^2}×Z_r, (with Thomas Fallon, Azita Mayeli, Gábor Somlai),
submitted 2023,
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2308.16277. (pdf-file)
Tiling and weak tiling in (Z_p)^d, (with D. Matolcsi, M. Matolcsi, G. Somlai), Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 22:1, (2023),
ArXiv preprint arXiv:2212.05513. (pdf-file)
Sincov's and other functional equations and negative interest rates, (with J. Schwaiger), Aequationes Mathematicae 97(3), 629-637, (2023). (pdf-file)
A dichotomy result for strictly increasing bisymmetric maps, (with P. Burai, P. Szokol),
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 526(2), 127269, (2023). (pdf-file)
Optimal embedded and enclosing isosceles triangles (with A. Ambrus, M. Csikós, J. Pach, G. Somlai), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 34 (7), (2023).
Translation invariant linear spaces of polynomials,
(with M. Laczkovich), Fundamenta Mathematicae 260, 163-179, (2023). (pdf-file)
Isometric rigidity of Wasserstein spaces: the graph metric case, (with T. Titkos),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 150, 4083-4097, (2022). (pdf-file) (published)
Spectral sets and tiles in (Z_p)^2 x (Z_q)^2, (with T. Fallon, G. Somlai),
Journal of Functional Analysis
Volume 282 (12), 109472, (2022). (pdf-file) (published)
Fuglede's conjecture holds for cyclic groups of order pqrs, (with R.D. Malikiosis, G. Somlai, M. Vizer),
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, 28:79, (2022). (pdf-file)
Separately Polynomial functions, (with M. Laczkovich),
Monathshefte fur Mathematik 197, 125-135, (2022). (pdf-file) (published)
Nonstandard n-distance based on certain geometric constructions, (with J-L. Marichal), in press
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 64(1), 107-126, (2023). (pdf-file)
Characterization of quasi-arithmetic means without regularity condition, (with P Burai, P Szokol),
Acta Math. Hung. 165, 474-485 (2021) (pdf-file)
- Fuglede's conjecture holds on (Z_p)^2 x Z_q, (with G. Somlai),
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149, 4181-4188, (2021). (pdf-file)
Minimum area isosceles containers, (with J. Pach, G. Somlai), Journal of Information Processing 28, 759-765, (2020). (pdf-file)
- On the discrete Fuglede and Pompeiu problems, (with R.D. Malikiosis, G. Somlai, M. Vizer),
Analysis & PDE 13 (3), 765-788, (2020). (pdf-file)
- Remarks on the notion of homo-derivations, (with E. Gselmann),
Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis
de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica 51, 111-130, (2020). (pdf-file)
- On a class of linear functional equations without range condition, (with E. Gselmann, Cs. Vincze),
Aequationes mathematicae 94, 473-509, (2020). (pdf-file)
- Visual characterization of associative quasitrivial nondecreasing functions on finite chains,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 395, 71-92, (2020).
On the best constants associated with n-distances, (with J-L. Marichal),
Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 1-25, (2020).
- Characterization of field homomorphisms through Pexiderized functional equations, (with E. Gselmann, Cs. Vincze),
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 25 no.12, 1645-1679, (2019). (pdf-file)
- Associative idempotent nondecreasing functions are reducible, (with G. Somlai),
Semigroup Forum 98 (1), 140-153, (2019).
- Characterizations of biselective operations,
(with J. Devillet), Acta Mathematica Hungarica 157 (2), 387-407, (2019).
- Characterizations of quasitrivial symmetric nondecreasing associative operations, (with J. Devillet, J-L. Marichal),
Semigroup Forum 98 (1), 154-171, (2019).
- The discrete Pompeiu problem on the plane, (with M. Laczkovich, Cs. Vincze)
Monatshefte fur Matematik 186 (2), 299-314, (2018). (pdf-file)
- Pointwise regularity of parameterized affine zipper fractal curves
fractal curves, (with B. Barany, I. Kolossvary), Nonlinearity 31 (5), 1705-1733, (2018).
- A characterization of n-associative, monotone,
idempotent functions on an interval that have
neutral elements, (with G. Somlai),
Semigroup Forum 96 (3), 438-451, (2018).
- A generalization of the concept of distance based on the simplex inequality, (with J-L. Marichal, B. Teheux),
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie/Contributions to Algebra and Geometry 59 no.2,
247-266, (2018). (pdf-file)
- On functional equations characterizing derivations: methods and examples, (with E. Gselmann, Cs. Vincze)
Results in Mathematics volume 73, Article number: 74 (2018). (pdf-file)
- Derivations and differential operators on rings and fields, (with M. Laczkovich) Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis
de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica 48, 31-43, (2018). (pdf-file)
- On spectral analysis in varieties containing the solutions of inhomogeneous linear functional equations, (with Cs. Vincze)
Aequat. Math. 91 (4), 663-690, (2017).
- On spectral synthesis in varieties containing the solutions of inhomogeneous linear functional equations, (with Cs. Vincze)
Aequat. Math. 91 (4), 691-723, (2017).
- Decomposition of balls in R^d, (with G. Somlai)
Mathematika 62, no.2, 378-405, (2016).
- Linear functional equations, differential operators
and spectral synthesis, (with M. Laczkovich)
Aequat. Math. 89 (2), 301-328, (2015).
- Algebraic methods for the solution of linear
functional equations, (with A. Varga, Cs. Vincze)
Acta Math. Hungar. 146 (1), 128-141, (2015).
- Linear functional equations (Ph. D. abstract), Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, 58, 125-132, (2015).
- Linear functional equations with algebraic parameters, Publ. Math. Debrecen 85, no.1-2, (2014).
- How large dimension guarantees a given angle?
(with V. Harangi, T. Keleti, P. Maga, A. Mathe, P. Mattila, B. Strenner)
Monatshefte fur Matematik 171 (2), 169-187, (2013).
- Existence of nontrivial solutions of linear functional equations,
(with A. Varga)
Aequat. Math. 88, 151-162, (2013).
- Decomposition of balls into finitely many pieces, (with M. Laczkovich)
Mathematika 57, no.1, 89-107, (2011).