Miklos Istvan
Hivatalos Research interest Teaching Background Publication list Conferences Posters Other talks Personal Personal



e-mail address:

miklos.istvan [for no spam, at] renyi.hu
phone: +36-1-4838304
Regular mail: Department of Stochastics
Rényi Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Reáltanoda u. 13-15.
H-1053, Budapest


I started studying biology and chemistry at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Science in 1992. After I have decided to be an applied mathematician, I picked up mathematics in 1993. I graduated in 1998 and started a PhD course at the Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology


PhD thesis

I've spent 18 months at the Genom Analysis and Bioinformatics group, University of Oxford between 2002 August and 2004 January, and returned twice for 7-9 months between 2007 September and 2009 August. I was a postdoc at the Theoretical Biology and Ecology Modelling Group and a poject leader at the eScience Regional Knowledge Centre.
Now I'm a member of the Bioinformatics group in the Rényi Institute. I was also a work package leader in an EU FP7 project. The project wass in collaboration with ClcBio and other SMEs and RTDs and is about finding transcription factor binding sites in Vertebrate genomes.

Research interest

I used to work on modelling molecular evolution, insertion-deletion process (statistical alignment), and RNA folding.
My current research focuses on the computational complexity of counting and sampling, monoton computation, circuit complexity, mixing of Markov chains and I am particularly interested in sampling such mathematical/combinatorial objects that are somehow related to biology/bioinformatics: networks with constraints, genome rearrangement paths, etc. I want to understand the intersection of complexity classes #P-complete and FPRAS.


I used to teach topics like these:

Currently I am teaching Classical and Modern Algorithms and Combinatorics at Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, and Stochastic models in bioinformatics at the Technical University of Budapest.

Some of my best students:

Publication list



Other Talks

A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems.
- Paul Erdős

My Erdos number is 2


The blues band where I used to play the bass in 1999.

Then I played again in a band with Misi Huba in 2022 :)

Then I changed to flute and started playing in different groups, for example,
here. For a short time, I believed that I could sing too: Later I developed some healthy self-criticism, and returned to the bass again. I used to play in a local alternative rock band:

Here is my newest band:

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