Instructor: Agnes Szilardemail:
Meeting times:
Tue 8:30-10 am in 106, Fri 8:30-10 am in 007
Office hours: Tue 10-11:30am (drop by) and/or by appointment
Click here for the prerequisites, course description and topics covered. Text used: notes, posted (but also see "literature used" below)
Homework: posted every Saturday or Sunday and is due the next Friday.
Please, submit your homework as a single pdf file by email. Scanned handwritten hw is accepted, but do use a pen that is easy to see on a scan (NOT a pencil). Leave some blank space at the end of each problem for me to write remarks.
Group work is encouraged, but everyone has to write up their solutions alone.
You can get 100 pts on Homework, 100 pts on the Midterm and 100 pts on the Final. That is 300 points altogether.
Course grade
A: 90-100%,
B: 75-89%,
C: 50-75%,
D: 40-49%
(approximately; there may be +'s and -'s too).