- K.J. Böröczky,
A. Figalli, Joao P.G. Ramos:
The Isoperimetric inequality, the Brunn-Minkowski
theory and Minkowski type Monge-Ampere equations
on the sphere.
manuscript, book to be published by EMS Press
- K.J. Böröczky, Alexey Glazyrin:
Stability of optimal spherical codes.
- K.J. Böröczky,
A. De:
Stability of the log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the case of many hyperplane symmetries.
- K.J. Böröczky, C. Saroglou: Uniqueness when the Lp curvature is close to be a constant for p in [0,1). Calc. Var. PDE, ;
- K.J. Böröczky, A. Figalli, J.P.G. Ramos:
A quantitative stability result for the Prekopa-Leindler inequality for arbitrary measurable functions.
Ann. Inst. H. Poincare C Anal. Non Lineaire, 41 (2024), 565-614.
- K.J. Böröczky, G. Lugosi, M. Reitzner:
Facets of high-dimensional Gaussian polytopes. J. Geom. Anal. 34 (2024), no. 3, Paper No. 69.
- K.J. Böröczky,
Danylo, Radchenko, Joao P.G. Ramos:
A quantitative stability result for the sphere packing problem in dimensions 8 and 24. J. Reine Angew. Math. 808 (2024), 241-270.
- Ferenc Bartha, Ferenc Bencs, K.J. Böröczky, Daniel Hug:
Extremizers and stability of the Betke-Weil inequality.
Michigan Math. J. 74 (2024), 45-71.
- K.J. Böröczky:
The logarithmic Minkowski conjecture and the Lp-Minkowski problem. In: Harmonic analysis and convexity, Adv. Anal. Geom., 9, De Gruyter, Berlin, 2023, 83-118.
- K.J. Böröczky, Pavlos Kalantzopoulos, Dongmeng Xi:
The case of equality in geometric instances of Barthe's reverse Brascamp-Lieb inequality. In: Geometric aspects of functional analysis, Lecture Notes in Math., 2327, Springer, Cham, 2023, 129-165.
- K.J. Böröczky, Ádám Sagmeister: Stability of the isodiametric problem on the sphere and in the hyperbolic space. Adv. in Appl. Math. 145 (2023), Paper No. 102480, 49 pp.
- K.J. Böröczky, Ádám Sagmeister:
Convex bodies of constant width in spaces of constant curvature and the extremal area of Reuleaux triangles. Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 59 (2022), no. 3-4, 244-273.
- K.J. Böröczky, Daniel Hug:
Reverse Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities for zonoids. Commun. Contemp. Math. 24 (2022), no. 8, Paper No. 2150084, 32 pp.
- K.J. Böröczky, Pavlos Kalantzopoulos:
Log-Brunn-Minkowski inequality under symmetry. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 375 (2022), no. 8, 5987-6013.
- K.J. Böröczky, A. De:
Stable solution of the log-Minkowski problem in the case of hyperplane symmetries. J. Differential Equations 298 (2021), 298-322.
- K.J. Böröczky, A. De:
Stability of the Prekopa-Leindler inequality for log-concave functions.
Adv. Math. 386 (2021), Paper No. 107810, 42 pp.
- T. Bisztriczky, K. Böröczky, K.J. Böröczky:
The T(5) property of packings of squares.
Art Discrete Appl. Math. 4 (2021), no. 3, Paper No. 3.12, 11 pp.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Domokos, G. Solanes:
Dimension of the space of unitary equivariant translation
invariant tensor valuations. J Func Anal, 280 (2021), no. 4, 108862.
- K.J. Böröczky, Daniel Hug:
A reverse Minkowski-type inequality. Proc. AMS, 148 (2020), no. 11, 4907-4922.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Matolcsi, I. Ruzsa, P. Santos, O. Serra:
Triangulations and a discrete Brunn-Minkowski inequality in the plane.
Disc. Comp. Geom., 64 (2020), 396-426.
- K.J. Böröczky, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang, Yiming Zhao:
The Gauss image problem.
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 73 (2020), 1406-1452.
- G. Bianchi, K.J. Böröczky, A. Colesanti:
Smoothness in the Lp Minkowski problem for p< 1.
Journal of Geometric Analysis, 30 (2020), 680-705.
- K.J. Böröczky, A. Sagmeister:
Isodiametric problem on the sphere and in the hyperbolic space.
Acta Math. Hungarica, 160 (2020), 13-32.
- G. Bianchi, K.J. Böröczky, A. Colesanti:
The Orlicz version of the Lp dual Minkowski problem on Sn for n< p< 0.
111 (2019), 101937.
- K.J. Böröczky:
The logarithmic Minkowski problem,
the logarithmic Brunn-Minkowski conjecture and relatives.
Oberwolfach Reports. OWR_2018_54 (2019), 29-20.
conference's site
- J. Abardia, K.J. Böröczky, M. Domokos, D. Kertész:
SL(m,C) equivariant and translation covariant continuous tensor
valuations.Journal of Functional Analysis, 276 (2019), 3325-3362.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor:
The Lp dual Minkowski problem for p>1 and q>0.
Journal of Differential Equations, 266 (2019), 7980-8033.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor, D. Hug:
Strengthened volume inequalities for Lp zonoids of even isotropic measures.
Trans. AMS, 371 (2019), 505-548.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Ludwig:
Minkowski valuations on lattice polytopes.
JEMS, 21 (2019), 163-197.
- G. Bianchi, K.J. Böröczky, A. Colesanti:
The Lp-Minkowski problem for -n< p<1 according to Chou-Wang.
Adv. Math., 341 (2019), 493-535.
- K. Böröczky, K.J. Böröczky,
Alexey Glazyrin, Ágnes Kovács:
Stability of the simplex bound for packings by equal spherical caps determined
by simplicial regular polytopes.
In: M.D.E. Conder, A. Deza, A.I. Weiss (eds): Discrete Geometry and Symmetry.
Volume in honor of K Bezdek's and E. Schulte's 60th birthday, Springer,
2018, 31-60.
- K.J. Böröczky, Á. Kovács:
The isoperimetric problem for 3-polytopes with six vertices.
Annales Universitatis Scientiarium Budapestinensis de Rolando
Eötvös Nominatae Sectio Mathematica,
61 (2018), 55-67.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Henk, H. Pollehn:
Subspace concentration of dual curvature measures.
Journal of Differential Geometry, 109 (2018), 411-429.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor (eds):
Volume honoring Ted Bisztriczki's, Gabor Fejes Toth's and
Endre Makai's 70th birthday, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 155 (2018).
- G. Ambrus, I. Bárány, K.J. Böröczky,
G. Fejes Tóth, J. Pach (eds): New Trends in Intuitive Geometry.
Bolyai Studies, Springer, 2018.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Ludwig:
Valuations on Lattice Polytopes.
In:Tensor Valuations and their Applications in Stochastic Geometry and
Imaging (M.~Kiderlen and E.~Vedel~Jensen, eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Math 2177, (2017), 213-234.
- K.J. Böröczky, Hai T. Trinh:
The planar Lp-Minkowski problem for 0&< p&< 1.
Adv. Applied Mathematics, 87 (2017), 58-81.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Henk:
Cone volume measure and stability.
Advances in Mathematics, 306 (2017), 24-50.
- K.J. Böröczky, D. Hug:
Isotropic measures and stronger forms of the reverse isoperimetric inequality.
Trans. AMS, 369 (2017), 6987-7019.
- K.J. Böröczky, P. Hegedűs, G. Zhu:
On the discrete logarithmic Minkowski problem.
IMRN, 6 (2016), 1807-1838.
- K.J. Böröczky, M. Henk:
Cone volume measure of general centered convex bodies.
Advances in Math., 289 (2016), 703-721.
- K.J. Böröczky, P. Hegedűs:
The cone volume measure of antipodal points.
Acta Math. Hung., 146 (2015), 449-465.
- K.J. Böröczky, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang:
Affine images of isotropic measures.
J. Diff. Geom., 99 (2015), 407-442.
- K.J. Böröczky, B. Hoffman:
A note on triangulations of sum sets.
Involve, 8 (2015), 75-85.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Santos, O. Serra:
On sumsets and convex hull.
Disc. Comp. Geom., 52 (2014), 705-729.
- G. Ambrus, K.J. Böröczky:
Stability results for the volume of random simplices.
Amer. J. Math., 136 (2014), 833-857.
- F. Barthe, K.J. Böröczky, M. Fradelizi:
Stability of the functional forms of the Blaschke-Santaló
inequality. pdf,
Monatshefte Math., 173 (2014), 135-159.
- I.Bárány, K.J. Böröczky,
G. Fejes Tóth, J. Pach (eds):
Geometry - Intuitive, Discrete, and Convex: A Tribute to
László Fejes Tóth.
- K.J. Böröczky:
Stronger versions of the Orlicz-Petty projection inequality.
J. Diff. Geom., 95 (2013), 215-247.
- K.J. Böröczky, E. Makai, M. Meyer, S. Reisner:
Volume product in the plane - lower estimates with stability.
Studia Sci. Math. Hung., 50 (2013), 159-198.
- K.J. Böröczky, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang:
The Logarithmic Minkowski Problem.
Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 26 (2013), 831-852.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor, D. Hug:
Intrinsic volumes of random polytopes with vertices on the
boundary of a convex body.
pdf , Transactions of AMS, 365 (2013), 785-809.
- K.J. Böröczky, P.P. Pálfy, O. Serra:
On the cardinality of sumsets in torsion-free groups.
pdf, Bull. LMS, 44 (2012), 1034-1041.
- K.J. Böröczky, Oriol Serra:
Remarks on the equality case of the Bonnesen inequality.
Archiv der Math., 99 (2012), 189-199.
- K.J. Böröczky, E. Lutwak, D. Yang, G. Zhang:
The log-Brunn-Minkowski-inequality.
Advances in Mathematics, 231 (2012), 1974-1997.
- C. Barvard, K.J. Böröczky, B. Ormos,
I. Prok, L. Vena, G. Wintsche:
Regularly triangulated hyperbolic surfaces.
Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 77 (2011), 669-679.
- K. Ball, K.J. Böröczky:
Stability of some versions of the Prékopa-Leindler inequality.
Monatshefte Math., 163 (2011), 1-14.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Parkettázások, elhelyezések
és fedések a hiperbolikus térben.
(in Hungarian), Matematikai Lapok, 16 (2010), 62-78.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor, D. Hug:
The mean width of random polytopes circumscribed around a convex body.
pdf Journal of LMS, 81 (2010), no. 2, 499-523.
- K. Ball, K.J. Böröczky:
Stability of the Prékopa-Leindler inequality.
pdf, Mathematika, 56 (2010), 339-356.
- K.J. Böröczky; R. Schneider:
Mean width of circumscribed random polytopes.
pdf, Canadian Math. Bull.,
53 (2010), 614-628.
- K.J. Böröczky:
Stability of the Blaschke-Santaló
and the affine isoperimetric inequalities.
pdf Advances in Mathematics, 225 (2010), 1914-1928.
- K.J. Böröczky, B. Csikós:
A new version of L. Fejes Tóth's Moment Theorem.
pdf Studia Sci. Hung., 47 (2010), 230-256.
- K.J. Böröczky, D. Hug:
Stability of the inverse Blaschke-Santaló inequality for zonoids.
Adv. Appl. Math., 44 (2010), 309-328. pdf
- K.J. Böröczky; R. Schneider:
Stable determination of convex bodies from sections.
pdf, Studia Sci. Math. Hung.,
46 (2009), 367-376.
- K.J. Böröczky, B. Csikós:
Approximation of smooth convex bodies by circumscribed polytopes
with respect to the surface area. Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar
der Universität Hamburg,
pdf 79 (2009), 229-264.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor, M. Reitzner, V. Vígh:
Mean width of random polytopes
in a reasonable smooth convex body. pdf,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis,
100 (2009), 2287-2295.
- K.J. Böröczky, L. M. Hoffmann, D. Hug:
Expectation of mean projections of inscribed random polytopes.
Periodica Hungarica, 57 (2008), 143-164.
- K.J. Böröczky; R. Schneider:
A characterization of the duality mapping
for convex bodies.
pdf, GAFA, 18 (2008), 657-667.
- K.J. Böröczky, F. Fodor, V. Vígh:
Approximating 3-dimensional convex bodies by polytopes with a
restricted number of edges.
pdf , Beit. Alg. Geom, 49 (2008), 177-193.
- K. Böröczky; K.J. Böröczky; C. Schütt;
G. Wintsche:
Convex bodies of minimal volume, surface area and mean width
with respect to thin shells.
pdf Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 60 (2008), 3-32.
- K.J. Böröczky; Salvador S. Gomez; P. Tick:
Volume approximation of
smooth convex bodies by three-polytopes of restricted number of
pdf , Monats. Math., 153 (2008), 23-48.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.; G. Wintsche:
Extremal mean width when covering the one-skeleton.
pdf .
Bull. London Math. Soc., 39 (2007), 921-928.
- K.J. Böröczky, P. Tick, G. Wintsche:
Typical faces of best approximating three-polytopes.
pdf Beit. Alg. Geom, 48 (2007), 521-545.
- K. Böröczky, K.J. Böröczky:
A stability property of the
octahedron and the icosahedron
. Publ. Math. Debrecen, 71 (2007), 449-466.
K.J. Böröczky: Polytopal approximation of smooth convex bodies.
In: Konvexgeometrie, Oberwolfach Report No. 56/2006,
3351-3354, 2007.
- K.J. Böröczky; R. Schneider:
Circumscribed Simplices of Minimal Mean Width.
pdf Beit. Alg. Geom., 48 (2007), 217-224.
- K. Böröczky; K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Polytopes of minimal volume with respect to a shell
- another characterization of
the octahedron and the icosahedron
pdf . Disc. Comp. Geom., 38 (2007), 231-241.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., I.Z. Ruzsa:
Note on an inequality of Wegner.
pdf . Disc. Comp. Geom., 37 (2007), 245-249.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.; I. Fábián; G. Wintsche:
Covering the crosspolytope by equal balls
. Periodica Math. Hung., 53 (2006), 103-113.
- K. Böröczky; K. Böröczky, Jr., G. Wintsche:
Typical faces of extremal
polytopes with respect to a thin three-dimensional shell.
. Periodica Math. Hung., 53 (2006), no. 1-2, 83-102.
- K.J. Böröczky; J. Pach; G. Tóth:
Planar crossing numbers of graphs embeddable in
another surface.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,
17 (2006), 1005-1017.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.; T. Réti; G. Wintsche:
On the combinatorial characterization of quasicrystals.
J. Geometry and Physics, 57 (2006), 39-52.
- U. Betke, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Finite lattice packings and
the Wulff-shape . Mathematika, 52 (2005), 17-29.
- T. Réti, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Topological characterization
of finite cellular systems represented
by 4-dimensional polytopes. Materials Science Forum, 473--474 (2005), 381-388.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Finite coverings in the hyperbolic plane.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 33 (2005), 165-180.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.:
The stability
of the Rogers-Shepard inequality. Adv. Math.,
190 (2005), 47-76.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., M. Reitzner:
Approximation of
Smooth Convex Bodies
by Random Circumscribed Polytopes.
Annals of Applied Prob., 14 (2004), 239-273.
- T. Bisztriczky, K. Böröczky, Jr., D.S. Gunderson:
Cyclic polytopes, hyperplanes, and codes.
J. Geometry, 78 (2003), 25-49.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Finite packing and covering by congruent convex domains.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 30 (2003), 185-193.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.,
J. Kollár, T. Szamuely (eds):
Higher Dimensional Varieties and Rational Points.
Springer-Verlag, 2003.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., G. Wintsche:
Covering the sphere by equal spherical balls
. In: Discrete and Computational Geometry,
The Goodman-Pollack Festschrift, 237-253, 2003.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., M.A. Hernández Cifre,
G. Salinas Martínez:
Optimizing the perimeter and the area for convex sets
for prescribed circumradius and inradius.
Monats. Math., 138 (2003), 95-110.
- I. Bárány, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Lattice points on the boundary of the integer hull.
In: (A. Bezdek, ed.),
Discrete Geometry, Marcel Dekker, 2003, 33-48.
- T. Réti, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Topological characterization
of 2D finite cellular system.
Material Science Forum,
414-415 (2003), 471-482.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., G. Tardos:
The longest segment in the complement of a packing
. Mathematika, 49 (2002), 45-49.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., G. Fejes Tóth:
Stability of some inequalities for three-polyhedra,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 70 (2002), 93-108.
- K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Discrete point sets in the hyperbolic plane,
Studia Sci. Math. Hung., 39 (2002), 21-36.
- T. Bisztriczky, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
About the centroid body and the ellipsoid
of inertia, Mathematika, 48 (2001), 1-13.
- T. Bisztriczky, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
On periodically
cyclic Gale 4-polytopes, Disc. Math., 241 (2001), 103-118.
- K. Böröczky:
About the error term for best approximation with
respect to the Hausdorff related metrics,
Disc. Comp. Geom.,
25 (2001), 293-309.
- V. Arhelger, U. Betke and K. Böröczky, Jr.:
Large finite lattice packings,
Geometriae Dedicata, 85 (2001), 157-182.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., G. Wintsche:
Sphere packings in the regular crosspolytope,
Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Eötvös Sect. Math. 43 (2000),
- K. Böröczky, Jr., D.G. Larman,
S.Sezgin, C. Zong:
On Generalized Kissing Numbers and Blocking Numbers,
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 65 (2000), 39-57.
- T. Bisztriczky, K. Böröczky, Jr.:
On the rigidity
of multiplices, Disc. Comp. Geom., 24 (2000), 177-184.
- K. Böröczky: Approximation of general smooth convex bodies.
Adv. Math., 153 (2000), 325-341.
- K. Böröczky: The error of polytopal approximation
with respect to the symmetric difference metric
and the L$_p$ metric, Isr. J. Math., 117.
(2000), 1-28.
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bounding the number of $k$-faces., J. Approximation Th.,
102 (2000), 283-285.
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parametric density and Wulff-shape,
In: Directions in Mathemathical Quasicrystals,
eds. M. Baake, R.V. Moody, CRM Monographs Series 13,
AMS, 2000, 259-276.
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Random Projections of
Regular Polytopes , Arch. Math., 73. (1999), 465-473.
- K. Böröczky, Jr., W. Neumann, A. Stipsicz (eds):
Low Dimensional Topology, J. Bolyai Series in Mathematics, Budapest, 1999.
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lattice point enumerator, Can. Jour. Math., 51. (1999), 225-249.
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the 3-ball by polytopes, Monats. Math., 127. (1999), 101-110.
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Quasi-Crystals and Wulff-shape, Disc. Comp. Geom.,
21 (1999), 421-436.
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Asymptotic shape of finite packings,
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Smallest maximal snakes of translates of
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Radii and the Sausage Conjecture, Canadian
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