Cornell Probability Summer School 2024
1st exercise sheet
2nd exercise sheet
3rd exercise sheet

Groups, graphs, and stochastic processes
Mathematics MSc and PhD, spring 2024
1st exercise sheet
2nd exercise sheet
3rd exercise sheet
4th exercise sheet
5th exercise sheet
6th exercise sheet
7th exercise sheet

Bevezetés a valószínűségszámításba
Matematika BSc, 2023 ősz
1. feladatsor
2. feladatsor
3. feladatsor
4. feladatsor
5. feladatsor
6. feladatsor
7. feladatsor
8. feladatsor
Zárthelyik: október 18-án és december 13-án, a gyakorlat idejében és helyszínén.

Measured group theory
Mathematics, applied mathematics BSc and MSc program, Spring 2017/2018
Here is a growing list of exercises complementing the lectures. Solve 6 out of 8 and submit them before the 16th of June to receive full marks.

Helpful literature:
Notes on amenable groups by Gábor Lippner, in Hungarian;
Probability on Trees and Networks by Russell Lyons and Yuval Peres, Cambridge University Press;
Groups, Graphs and Trees by John Meier, Cambridge University Press;
Probability and Geometry on Groups by Gábor Pete.